
Law Society Council

The Law Society of New South Wales is governed by the Law Society Council in accordance with the Constitution of the Law Society of New South Wales, the Legal Profession Uniform Law and the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

There are 15 Councillors elected or appointed to reserved and unreserved positions on the Council. The Council is representative of the main segments of solicitors within the profession with one Councillor drawn from each of the following: country, suburban, city, corporate, government and large firms, as well as one Young Lawyer Councillor, eight Councillors not elected to a specific reserved seat and any Senior Office Bearer whose elected term of office has expired.  The President and Immediate Past President also remain on Council ex-officio until their respective terms as senior office bearers have expired. The Executive comprises the President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, and Immediate Past President. Appointees to the office bearer positions are determined by the Council.

The Council guides the objectives and policies of the Law Society, monitors its performance and delegates its authority over various matters to a network of Committees

View a list of current Councillors and their practice contact details.

Office Bearers

Office Bearers take active leadership roles in implementing the Law Council’s policies and significant programs. They also represent the Law Society to the profession, the community and in negotiations with other parties. The Office Bearers are the: President, Senior Vice-President, Junior Vice President, Treasurer, Immediate Past President.

Elections of Office Bearers

At a Council meeting in November the Council members elect Office Bearers for the positions of Senior and Junior Vice-President and Treasurer, each of whom hold office for a term of one year. The Senior Vice-President becomes the President at the end of the calendar year following their election.

Becoming a Councillor

Elections for Council are held in October each year. Councillors are generally elected for three years, with at least seven positions on the Council becoming vacant each year.

Skills Framework

As part of the Review of the Composition and Governance of the Law Society Council in 2022, the Law Society undertook a survey of members to seek input on a range of matters including possible areas for improvements to the effectiveness of the Law Society Council. Responses from members confirmed that there is strong support for strengthening the skills mix on the Council. In response to this feedback, the Council in 2023 developed a Councillor Skills Framework, which includes suggested skills and experience for the Council, with a focus on both existing skills and skills development while sitting on the Council. During elections, candidates are asked to consider this framework and, if they wish, comment on their own skills and experience in their campaign information.

Register of Delegations

The power of the Council of The Law Society of New South Wales (Law Society Council) to delegate any of its functions under the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014 (Application Act) or the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW) (Uniform Law) is found in the Application Act. The Constitution of the Law Society also provide for the Law Society Council to delegate to committees. Details of those delegations are set out in the Register of Delegations.

Council has recently reviewed the Register of Delegations and has issued new delegations that supersede previous delegations.

The Register of Delegations, effective 3 October 2023, can be viewed here.

For historic versions of delegations, please view the archive here