President's message

NSW Governor to open 2019 Specialist Accreditation Conference


In an increasingly complex and competitive market, gaining Specialist Accreditation through the Law Society is a significant achievement which offers solicitors a recognised means of differentiation and demonstrated expertise. A structured peer assessment program, Specialist Accreditation provides both the profession and the public with a reliable means of identifying practitioners with proven expertise in their chosen area of practice.

To become an Accredited Specialist in NSW, a solicitor must pass the Law Society’s rigorous assessments in communication, problem solving, client relations and, of course, their specialist area of law. The Law Society's annual Specialist Accreditation Conference allows practitioners to keep up-to-date and ahead of the curve in their chosen area of accreditation, while earning 10 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) units.

I am pleased to announce that the NSW Governor, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AO QC, will deliver an opening address at this year’s conference, which will be held at the International Convention Centre Sydney on 9 and 10 August 2019. This year, the five conference streams are Business Law, Family Law, Personal Injury Law, Property Law and Wills & Estates. Register now

We also have an extensive program for our upcoming Government Solicitors Conference on 3 September at the Four Seasons Hotel Sydney. The program will feature a number of distinguished speakers, including Karen Smith, Crown Solicitor, NSW Crown Solicitors, who will deliver the opening address. The conference program will cover important legal issues relevant to local, state and federal government lawyers as well as those working in private practice on government matters.

Practitioners can gain seven CPD units across all mandatory areas with sessions covering the Modern Slavery Acts, managing complex internal investigations, pro bono, lessons learnt from recent Royal Commissions and Inquiries, cyber security, and ethics. Register now

On a final note, congratulations to Robert Fitzgerald AM, who was appointed NSW's first Ageing and Disability Commissioner on 1 July 2019. Mr Fitzgerald brings exceptional knowledge and experience to this new role protecting some of the most vulnerable people in our community. I wish him every success.

Elizabeth Espinosa, Law Society President

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